Wednesday, May 21, 2008

we love spring

Hey everyone,

We're off playing with our friends at the "crèche" (childcare center) this morning (we go there on Wednesdays so that Mom can do the grocery shopping, have lunch with Dad etc.) There are lots of great toys and kids our age to play with.

The weather has been great recently; we love playing outside. Last Sunday afternoon we went for a long bike ride with Mom and Dad (they pedaled while we enjoyed the nice views from our bike seats). This coming Saturday we're going to a picnic sponsored by the different Protestant churches in Montpellier (ours included--we're in charge of refreshments, yum yum!) There will be games for kids and music and it should be a fun time.

Mom and Dad are taking a 7-week marriage class called Elle & Lui (Her & Him) for couples at church, which they say has been really good (and we thought they already knew how to be married--go figure!)

The photos are of the coliseum in Nimes that we visited while Grandpa was here, us playing with Grandpa in our room and us with Dad (the future computer experts)

That's all the news for now; talk to you again soon! love, Alex and Ben

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