Tuesday, August 19, 2008

watch out America here we come

Hi everyone,

We're coming! Mom says in just a few days (whatever that means) we're all going to get on a big airplane and go visit Grandpa, Auntie Amy, etc. We're so excited! We're staying a couple of weeks, so our next post will either be from over there or after we get back. We don't have too much new to report; the weather hasn't been that great lately so we haven't been to the beach in awhile. Tomorrow we're supposed to go to a waterpark called le Grand Bleu with Mom, some "big kid" friends from church and their moms. We really hope it doesn''t rain! Our Papy, Mamie and Auntie Celine are on vacation in Spain and they're coming to visit us this weekend on their way back, along with Uncle Mathieu, Auntie Emilie and Vike the dog. It will be a full house! Mom and Dad got a brand new bike trailer that we use to go on bike rides; it's fun to ride in. It converts to a jogging stroller so Mom says she has no more excuses! We hope you're all having a great summer and can't wait to see some of you soon! love, Ben and Alex