Sunday, March 2, 2008

already spring

Hi everyone,

Ben and Alex are in bed but they asked me to say hello for them. Riding bikes with Mom and Dad and playing in the park was enough to tire the little guys out for today. We had an amazing weekend weather-wise, especially today, which was sunny and in the mid 70s. After church, while the boys were napping Fred and I enjoyed being outside and Fred put the baby seats back on our bikes (we hadn't used them since the last move in December). When Ben and Al woke up we headed off to explore Prades and stopped at the playground on the way home.

Other than that not too much new to report; Fred is taking an English conversation class at work (his idea in order to keep up his skills) and as I write this he's busily working on his homework assignment for tomorrow, which is to write about something he likes to do outside of work. He chose to write about spending time with his boys and how much fun he has. It's mutual--Ben and Alex shout "Dada" whenever I'm out walking with them and we see a guy go by on a motorbike, and they point excitedly at the front door when I happen to mention his name during the day (expecting to see Daddy walk through at any moment).

By the way Dad and Amy, I've tried several times to call you both this evening but apparently good old Alice has decided to cut out on us like she does from time to time. (I guess that's the price to pay for unlimited calling). I hope to talk to you soon once it's working again. Take care for now!