Wednesday, June 18, 2008

summer, then rain, then summer

Hi everyone,

That's pretty much how the weather's been for us the last month or so. We've had some beautiful weather (in the low 80's with low humidity) interspersed with days on end of rain, clouds, and cool. (By now you might be thinking, how did Ben and Alex learn a word like interspersed??) OK you figured it out, this is their mom writing for them (this time). They are off happily playing with friends at the child care center, and I have a few moments before I head off to lunch with Fred and then the grocery store for a megashopping--since I only go once a week!

We're all doing well, it's hard to believe Ben and Alex will hit the big 02 in just a couple of weeks. We've invited their Mamie and Papy, as well as uncle Mathieu and auntie Emilie, to our house for a little party. Last Saturday morning Fred and I took the boys to the beach in the morning, and we stopped for lunch at the new KFC that just opened near us (had to see if it would be as bad as in the U.S.--it was). Sunday morning I sang with the worship team at church, and Sunday afternoon we had a visit from a good childhood friend of Fred's from Clermont-Ferrand and his girlfriend, who is expecting their first child (VERY common in France these days to have baby first, get married later). We had a good time catching up and they ended up staying until after midnight--getting up Monday morning was rough!
That's all for now--talk to you soon! love, Jill (for Ben and Alex)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

techni(logical) difficulties

Hi everyone,
Ahhhhh! I just spent the last 20 minutes writing an update, than clicked in the wrong place and lost it all. It's too late and I'm too tired to start over. We're all fine, we've had LOTS of rain here recently (unusual for this time of year) and are eager for the summer to get here! Fred kindly watched the boys all day last Saturday so I could have a girls' day with some friends. We went to a great outdoor market in a town called Uzès. This weekend some friends of ours from church are getting married. I dusted off my violin and have been practicing hard because I'm playing in the ceremony (accompanying some singers). I'd appreciate your prayers; it's been a looong time! Take care and talk to you again soon! love, Jill (for Ben and Alex)